SEIU Education and Support Fund is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower workers, raise standards and promote high quality jobs. We currently offer a variety of innovative, worker-centered programs in early childhood education, human services and property services.
Our approach involves partnering with unions and other worker organizations, employers, philanthropy, and governmental entities to develop innovative, worker-centered training and professional development opportunities.

Our values are at the center of all the work we do. We are committed to working alongside employers, private foundations, and governmental entities to create a strong foundation of preparedness through the development of quality programs geared toward the needs of early educators, human service workers and property service workers. We offer customized resources, opportunities and trainings with a focus on meaningful professional development for each of our sectors.
︱Worker Centered ︱
At the core of all of our values is the belief that workers know what they need to be successful, as individuals, members of workplace teams, and organized union members fighting for improvements in their field, workplaces and communities. We are first and foremost responsive to and guided by the voices, experiences and needs of all workers.
Relationship BASED
We must first see each other as whole, multi-faceted individuals, worthy of care and respect. We strive to build connections, meet each other where we are, and work cooperatively and collaboratively.
We must respond to the everyday challenges and injustices faced by workers by reimagining, retooling, and uplifting strategies for transformational change.
Honoring Experience & Culture
We honor life experience alongside formal educational experience, and see the equal value in both. We respect the lived experiences of people of diverse cultures.
We are committed to providing programming and support that are accessible to a variety of learning styles, languages, abilities, experience levels, literacy levels, and socioeconomic levels.
We recognize that everyone has different circumstances. We are committed to delivering the necessary and unique resources to each person. We center workers as primary decision makers about what they need to thrive.
Building Worker Power
We are part of and in solidarity with a movement of workers who fight every day to improve our communities, our economy, and our democracy. We recognize the role of our own staff as workers, partners and collaborators in this movement..